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At Hired, we support our participants in discovering their strengths. This means knowing what resources are available and how best to use them. Discovering the whole person. Connecting them with the right training. We support people building sustainable careers that support not only our participants, but their families, employers and communities as well.
To nurture purpose and advance economic opportunity for all through individualized employment and career services.
Empowered people and families.
A prepared workforce.
An inclusive economy.
Put People First.
Go the Extra Mile.
Advance Equity.
Work Together.
Prepare low-income job seekers for positions in high-growth job sectors.
Provide youth assistance in overcoming barriers to academic, economic, and housing stability.
Professional career guidance and job placement services to individuals who have lost their job.
Help families gain stability and achieve living wage employment.
people who identify as Black, Indigenous and People of Color pursued career and education opportunities.
Children experienced greater home stability
Youth received career coaching and support
Read our 2023 Annual Report for more information on Hired’s Impact: