Throughout the past few years, we have seen centuries of pain and anger manifest on the streets of Minneapolis, Saint Paul, and cities around the nation and world.
As individuals, the staff and board of Hired are united against the racial inequities and injustice that pervade our community. As an organization, Hired is committed to ensuring all people can participate equally in the economy. We press on in our dedication to change the systems that perpetuate disparities against Black, Indigenous and People of Color.
Seeds of change are beginning to take root in our community and our economy. And we are deepening our efforts to prepare tomorrow’s workforce and build an inclusive economy. Our commitment is to listen closely to partner with BIPOC communities, and to align our anti-racist work with that of our partners, activists, and others in the community.
Hired’s Committee On Racial Equity is working towards a culture of inclusion by dismantling racism within our organization. We are creating intentional spaces for learning and reflection. We are striving to be a part of the change in disrupting systemic racism and racial oppression.
As our community and our country face up to centuries of discrimination, Hired will continue to fight for racial equity in the arena we know best: helping individuals prepare for and secure careers that offer dignity, family sustaining wages and benefits, and full participation in the nation’s economy.