We provide coaching, support, and training to help youth and young adults complete a diploma or GED, explore careers, and gain employment in a field they’re passionate about.

Youth Programs: A Foundation for Life
When you participate in Hired youth programs, you’re laying a foundation for the rest of your life. You’ll have access to:
Educational Assistance
Support for high school or GED completion, followed by post-secondary exploration, planning and enrollment.
Workplace Readiness and Job Placement Support
Intensive, one-to-one instruction on workplace skills and the job search process.Internships
Placement into subsidized work experience opportunities aligned with long-term career goals dependent on program and applicability.Wraparound Support Services
Financial assistance related to job search and education, such as transportation and interview clothing.
Program Eligibility
At or below a certain income level
Between the ages of 16 and 24
Meet one or more of the following criteria:
In foster care
Involved in the justice system
Lacking basic skills
Pregnant or parenting
Gang and/or gun violence involvement
Take The Next Step
If you are interested in your eligibility for Hired’s Youth Services, please contact us and a counselor will reach out to you.
Click the following link to find and fill out the referral link for Hired’s Youth Employment and Training Services. Once you have completed it, please email the completed form to youth@hired.org or call 651-328-2777. You will be contacted by an employment counselor within 10 days of submitting the referral form.
Helpful Tools + Resources
We offer online resources covering everything from the labor market and career aptitude assessments to health care.