Learn about careers in home energy auditing, a high-demand, high potiental career field. You will receive an industry-recognized credential in Building Science Principles (BSP) upon completion and the opportunity to apply for an internship.


Career Coaching

in-person Training

Job Experience


program details

Building Science explores how changing one part of a home affects homeowners’ comfort, health, and safety.

This learn-and-earn job training model will help you gain knowledge and valuable skills in home energy auditing. You will learn about the basics of building sciences, learn about installation practices from experts, and so much more, in order to begin a career in home energy auditing.

Dates: January 13 – February 14
Times: 5 days/week for 5 weeks
Monday – Friday, 9:00 AM – 1:00 PM
Location: Sabathani Community Center in Minneapolis

Training Includes:

  • Intro to home energy careers

  • Job readiness and digital skills

  • Basics of building science and home energy audits, insulation, and air sealing

  • Installation training from field experts

  • Job site safety guidelines

  • Math for construction

  • Building Science Principles certified credential



  • Free career training program for eligible participants

  • $550 weekly training stipend

  • Average industry starting wage $18.50 – $25/hour

  • Support including interview clothing, fuel, or bus cards

  • Job coach and placement opportunities

Program Requirements

  • Basic computer, strong reading and math skills

  • Driver’s license or actively in process of obtaining  

  • Ability to lift 50 pounds and perform physical tasks

  • Low income household and/or person of color


Program PartnerS:


Questions? Contact us:

Chan Xiong

Learn More and Enroll Today.

Apply Now!

Download the Career Pathways program application. Return the completed application to Career.Pathways@Hired.org or fax to 612-338-1375. You will be contacted by an employment counselor within five days of sending your application.

The State of Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development (DEED) funded (or funded in part) this training through a grant. The grant recipient created this training. DEED does not endorse this publicity or training or make guarantees, warranties, or assurances of any kind, express or implied, regarding the accuracy, completeness, timeliness, usefulness, adequacy, continued availability or ownership of the information herein or elsewhere.