Darin's Story

Man wearing white button up shirt

Pivoting after the unexpected

Making every effort to use his connections, Darin partnered with Hired to plan out the next stage in his career.

Darin had a successful career spanning 30+ years in the banking and financial services industry. He began his career at Norwest Bank, and worked his way up to being a Senior Vice President. However, in 2023, he was unexpectedly laid off following a merger between Norwest Bank and Wells Fargo’s commercial banking partners.

Though disappointed, Darin dove headfirst into the job search. He remembers setting up over 30 networking meetings, and after each connection, he would receive a few more names to reach out to. While networking, one of the connections suggested applying for a Certification Program as a way to land a new role after a layoff, and told Darin about Hired.

Hired partnered with Darin to make sure he had the support to figurine out his next. Darin decided to work towards a ProSy certification (a change management certification). “My counselor was instrumental in making the process easy for me.”

Darin’s counselor helped him register, which took the financial stress off his plate since the certification coursework was expensive. Alleviating this barrier helped make space for Darin to focus, and learn all he could from the course.

My counselor did a good job of following up and letting me know about other opportunities.
He helped me improve the resume and find the next job.
— Darin, Adult Services participant

Later, Darin was hired at a community bank as an Executive Vice President.

Thinking back on his job search, he realizes how important it is to embrace all the resources out there to help people in career transition. “I only experienced a small piece of what Hired is capable of doing, but I would say, Hired could be a first phone call.”

Information @hired