Jenny's Story: Restarting Her Career Through the Pandemic

Jenny was a business owner who helped others, many of them single mothers like herself, create and launch businesses of their own. When the pandemic began, Jenny’s own business declined, and she connected with Hired.

“Three years ago I had an emergency surgery, and I reevaluated my own life. I asked myself the same question I ask every person I work with: ‘If money wasn’t an issue, what would you be doing with your life?’ It was a big aha moment.”

Jenny hadn’t written a resume in 20 years. “I had an especially hard time figuring out where I’d fit in the job market.”  But, Jenny says, she had a team of people from Hired helping her. “Between my resume, job search, and any other support I needed, I had cheerleaders in every corner until a position finally broke through.”

With her LinkedIn profile and personal brand refreshed, Jenny landed a contract with a nonprofit organization that shares her passion for helping women start their own businesses.

When she’s ready for her next position, she will check in with her team at Hired. In the meantime, Jenny is enrolled in marketing and social media trainings in preparation for her future career.