Safe Housing and Bus Fare Help Nasaan Pursue His Goals

Hired has been working with Nasaan through our Dakota County youth program for the past three months.  Nasaan is currently experiencing homelessness and being sheltered at a long-term hotel.  He meets with his Hired counselor, Marissa Klein, at the Link, who is working with him to secure permanent, safe housing. We are also supporting bus fare, so he can work at Aldi, part-time. 

Long-term, Nasaan wants to attend college, and so Hired has assisted with the college application process, and also supported him to attend a college open house and answer many of his questions. His plans now are to enroll in community college and later transfer to a four-year program to earn a bachelor’s degree in film.  His next steps are to complete his financial aid paperwork and meet with an advisor, so he can enroll in classes for summer.  Hired is excited to be alongside him, as he makes plans to pursue his education and career goals.

Information @hired