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Master Resume and Networking Profile

Fact: 75% of all resumes never make it past the ATS program and reach a human

Fact: The average time a human decision maker spends reading a resume is 6.2 seconds

Fact: If your resume and LinkedIn Profile job experience does not match, you can be red-flagged

Fact: Many ATS programs can NOT read a PDF while others prefer it. What to do?

Fact: AI (Artificial Intelligence) is playing a KEY role in resume vetting, interviewing, and choosing candidates: You need to know how this works to move ahead in the process.


What attendees will learn:

  1. Best Practice Master Resume formats most preferred by recruiters. This one will surprise you.

  2. How to recognize a keyword and build it into the right sections of your resume.

  3. What causes a resume to get “knocked-out” of an ATS program:

  4. If a human decision maker spends no more than SIX seconds on a resume, how do you catch their attention?

  5. What you must NOT put on your resume and what is MOST important.

  6. How do you “test” your resume to weigh its performance and impact? Many options to consider.

  7. The art of follow-up and landing the interview… and the next step after that.

  8. How uploading multiple resumes to a corporate, Talent Acquisition or job search databank can hurt you.