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Master Resume Development

How to create a best practice, branded and ATS-compliant resume

Fact: 75% of all resumes never make it past the ATS program and reach a human

Fact: The average time a human decision maker spends reading a resume is 6 seconds

Fact: If your resume and your LinkedIn Profile do not match, you can be red-flagged

Fact: Many ATS programs can NOT read a PDF while others prefer it. What to do?

Fact: AI (Artificial Intelligence) is playing a KEY role in resumes AND recorded interviews and choosing candidates: You need to know how this works to move ahead in the process.

This class is a follow up to the Personal Branding I and II workshops and help attendees execute BEST PRACTICES in creating, uploading and sharing recruiter-preferred and ATS-compliant resumes that will get them to the interview. But it’s complicated – and, like LinkedIn, the requirements change every few months.

This workshop takes you through a step-by-step process of integrating a branded, best practice and keyword-optimized Master Resume that is compliant with most Applicant Tracking System (ATS) programs. Personal laptop recommended.

What you will learn:

1. Best Practice Master Resume formats most preferred by recruiters. This one will surprise you.

2. How to recognize a keyword and build it into the right sections of your resume.

3. What causes a resume to get “knocked-out” of an ATS program. Here’s what may trigger a fail:

  • Fonts and font sizes matter (Times New Roman and Cambria are the worst)

  • Format matters – including layout and margins

  • Many special marks, like ampersands, can convert to a number. Or something worse.

  • The shape of a bullet can make or break your success. Getting creative hurts your chances.

  • Tables and columns – especially bulleted skills sections that use them

  • Embedded lines and graphics

  • How you “title and save” your document

  • Embedded “sections” or columned formats to make it more “creative” or “interesting” • Headings, headers and footers

4. If a human decision maker spends no more than SIX seconds on a resume, how do you catch their attention and compel them to choose you for the next step?

5. What you must NOT put on your resume (never use your address) and what is MOST important.

6. How do you “test” your resume to weigh its performance and impact? Many options to consider.

7. The art of follow-up and landing the interview… and the next step after that.

8. How uploading a resume to a corporate HR or Talent Acquisition or job search databank can hurt you.

All attendees will receive examples of best practice and ATS-compliant Master Resumes and a Job Search Tracking Tool to manage and track document control (resume versions), delivery (upload, online, LinkedIn and email), confirmations, follow-up, research, phone screens, interviews, networking and other activities plotted on a calendar.

Location Details: Zoom Online

Eligibility: You must be Hired client to attend. Fee based.

To Register: Contact your Hired employment counselor.

Later Event: August 25
LinkedIn 1 for Job Search