Arianna's Story: Navigating Change to Support Her Son

Arianna is a new mom who has been working with Hired to find employment since last summer. Her seasonal job at a local school had been discontinued due to Covid, and finding a new position while caring for her disabled mother and newborn son was a challenge.

Arianna’s employment counselors worked closely with her to set up a contingency to support her family even if school did not resume, and they were able to support Arianna with a new laptop to begin job searching from home. However, without stable income, Arianna feared she wouldn't be able to make rent come winter. Savings like Hired’s Abundance Fund made it possible for Hired to secure a rent check for Arianna.

Fortunately, school did resume in a hybrid format that allowed Arianna to take back her job and assist with distance learning. She was grateful to move back into the role that she loves: inspiring young minds to love learning.

Arianna is now considering enrolling in college for a degree in Special Education. Her employer has offered to cover part of her tuition: they would like her to become a teacher.