Expressions of love

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Hired created the Abundance Fund to connect individual contributions directly with families whose lives and livelihoods have been most affected by the pandemic. We invited people who have continued to earn during Covid to support the basic needs of those not as fortunate.  

Donors came through, to the tune of just over $15,000. And you might be surprised at just how far those gifts have gone to help people striving to stabilize their lives. 

Many families received groceries: to make up for the meals their kids aren’t getting at school each day, or because sometimes the food shelf doesn’t provide quite enough. 


A young mother received $200 to help her pay for a week-long stay in Rochester for herself and her daughter following surgery this month. 

Most people needed, and received, help to stay in their homes.  

A young woman who for years had worn scrubs to work received $150 to buy business casual clothes for her new job. 

One had to spend hundreds of dollars to repair her car, which she needs for her job.  

Another needed helping paying his cell phone bill so that he could be contacted by potential employers.  

Many are still looking for work and have no way to pay rent. 

So many of us take it for granted: Enough to eat. A place to live. A way to stay in touch. A job. But many others live on the edge, one car repair or health emergency away from crisis.

The Abundance Fund helped 28 of our neighbors and their families stay in their homes for another month, put food on the table, keep their phones on and their kids clothed. The donors who made this possible may not have realized it at the time, but their gifts were an expression of love.  
