Darius's Story: Finding Stability to Support His Family


Darius had been involved in the criminal justice system for several years but was dedicated to meeting the obligations of his probation and supporting his family.

With Hired's help, Darius began a paid internship at a minority-owned business. He also received a new laptop, which has enabled him to work from home while caring for his young children. Darius was excited to learn all the applications on his laptop, bringing him one step closer to achieving his dream of opening an automotive repair business.

“I always appreciate my counselor, Dawn, for holding me accountable and never giving up on me, even when I feel like I’ve given up on myself.”

The paid internship was a great fit for Darius. He has been able to pay towards his back child support with every paycheck, and his child support order has been lifted.

Just as life was becoming stable, his wife lost her job due to Covid. Fortunately, Hired was able to provide Darius and his family two months of rent assistance to keep them in their home.

With Journey Forward, Darius continues to work toward eliminating his barriers and bettering himself for his family. He is exploring virtual credentialed training programs and is now able to apply for a Limited Driver’s License, which will open up further opportunities for employment.