Kurt’s Story: Staying Motivated Through Phone Calls

In October 2021, Kurt was laid off from his environmental health and safety job. In filing for unemployment benefits, he was referred to the Dislocated Worker program with Hired and connected with an employment counselor.

 “I have quite a few years of experience. And with the job market as it is, I wasn’t super worried about finding a new job,” said Kurt. “But when you’re unemployed, your world changes so fast.”

 Earlier in his career, Kurt had been laid off and then made a career change from sales to a safety manager. This time around, he knew what to expect emotionally and had regular phone calls with his employment counselor. “It was important to have that communication right away. It pumps you up and keeps you motivated,” he said.

Through the Dislocated Worker program, Kurt renewed professional certifications and joined a professional safety group. He also signed up for a project management course. And his employment counselor coached him on how to interview remotely.

 After just a few months, Kurt was hired by a fabrication company. He’s working in both a hands-on safety role with employees on the floor and doing higher level project work.

 Outside of work, Kurt is a volunteer firefighter and emergency responder where he’s able to serve people and use his professional knowledge about safety.

 “I’m in a unique situation,” said Kurt. “I enjoy Mondays because I like my profession so much!”